Monday, December 8, 2008

Who is in Your HEART?

Just wondering...who is actually in your i accidentally saw a blog in my fren's frenster...i read two blog...i feel that i am bad...may be worse...i just want to ask what is the meaning in the two heart was trembling...questions keep on bursting out in my mind... and i come to an not me~...when i type until here, i just stared at the laptop... the song that i am hearing is too loud but i do not even feel that cause my mind is full of unnecessary questions...i saw the shoutout in your frenster..and now... i even wondering, who you mentioning...i know i should not suspect you...but i just...asking myself...and try to find an answer to those questions...

I felt "heart pain"..... the song keep repeating and i feel like crying...i control myself... is not time to cry but should sort things out...and my tears do not dare to flow out without my order...if your heart still have another person, and u cant even put down her...why now u will come to me...i just wondering and do not know y...isn't it hard when your heart still have the person shadow? meanwhile u are coming to me? i hope what i read is not true so i decided go to read my fren's blog for the second time...and ..what i read is true...i see it with my own eyes...

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