Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am super TIRED...

You know what is the time now? It is 5 am in the morning...i feel this time, i should be lying in my blanket and dreaming...but i stil awake here and blogging...This become one of my habit d...Before offline and off my laptop, i wish to post somethind new in my blog...

Actually i am doing one of my assignment, so i stayed until so "early" in the morning...i really feel the tiredness...i faced the laptop for 6 hours very tiring... i have the last 2 parts to finish my public law assigment...but i really do not wish to continue...cause i very lazy and dizzy...So, i will continue it tomorrow...and start another assignment tomorrow...

When i am doing the assignment...i cant concentrate actually..i do not what am i thinking...i cant control myself....if i feel tired, i will take a short rest by reading my friends blog...and u guess what? i saw a friend of mine is replying another friend of mine de question in her blog...erm..may be she is right...should i turn back? May be as what she said..let go is a better not turn back and jus walk straight...can i do this? can my friend who was asking and need an answer, can do this also? i feel scared if my friend take the advise cause i feel that... " HEARTBREAKING" is waiting me again...

What I can tell u is...i should turn back for my own ..may be for this moment or may be for a longer period...i think i wont give up so easily...maybe for my friend...she need someone to guide her..and give her matter what is your decision...i will support u...although it will be hurting ...but i cant be so selfish... cause this is what u want..But honestly, when i read that blog...ermmm...i really do feel hurt and scared...cause may be the another friend of mine will just follow what the friend had said...i know is confusing..about who and who...but i know the one reading it..will know...rite?

*YAwn* is time to sleep.. TIRED...sleep then dont think so much...what i can do is...WAIT PATIENTLY....and i one day, when my friend sort out her mind..she will tell me the answer...i believe she will make her mind clear and think of it all over again after she settled her things...

Rite? the beloved friend of mine... you know who you are... nite nite my friend..Do miss u and hope to see u soon... tata ^^

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