Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good Bye 2008...and Good Bye- SADNESS

Today is the last day of the year of 2008...when i recalled back, there was something that really make me down and sad...if you are my close frens then u will know what i am mentioning... three more hours den we will greet the year of 2009...Now, everyone is celerating and me? give one of my close fren "fong fei gei"...

Today, two of my frens come down from Gua Musang...and i feel extremely excited for the past whole week..cause i din see this fren for 2 months...i am happy cause i really do miss my fren...Things are not what exactly i think..things are not on the right track...SO, the conclusion is I THINK TOO MUCH and I DO TOO MUCH...i not angry cause u fong fei gei...i just feel EXTREMEMLY DISSAPPOINTED... i am counting and counting and feel exicited to meet my frens...but, at the end...i realised... i am not important... Once ago, may be you are very important to your fren, but now may be your fren do not need you anymore in their life...QUite sad rite?

From this afternoon, they said they want to go and meet their friends and said will call me and confirm later where we are going...actually i agreed to go for a place with my another gang of friends...i "fong fei gei" them cause i want to acc them.U know what, i waited for the whole day...i keep on checking whether my fon rang? everytime when i checked, i feel disappointed. My fon do not even have a, i told myself may be they are busy, they will called me for the end, they do not and ask me do not wait cause they are in another place with some friends...when i heard that, i feel that i really done TOO much...i not blaming them cause i am the one who decided to acc them..

i do not have my dinner yet, but is ok ...i don think i don have any mood to have my dinner d... This fren , i really do appreciate...i know my friend do not come to Ipoh always, so i decided to give all my time to them, BUT, i am doing too much...I got alot of things to share and talk to my fren, but i do not have that chance... I told my parents that i am going back to KL cause i am going do find A house to move in...but i am not actually...But is not important anymore cause i think i should not follow my fren go back to "KL"... cause i really think that i should not think too much anymore... i gave my fren a chance but no one will really appreciate the chance, so i think i am giving up..

New year is coming, but why i do not feel that things are going to be NEW? I do not like GOOD-BYE...but now, i will say GOOD BYE to the year of 2008 and i will welcome the year of 2009....GOOD-BYE 2008 and the most important thing is..GOOD-BYE to all my SADNESS....i will welcome the new year with a NEW HEART...this is what i should do rite? i know i will think back what i did in 2008, but i will make sure i learned something in that year... I WILL BE STRONG....SOrry, cause i know i still the same...i like to CRY...very sorry fren, i cant change this...Very very sorry...

* may be i spoilt my frens mood today, they should be celebrating now, i would like to apologize..i will still wish them HAPPY NEW YEAR..very SORRY...*

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