Saturday, November 15, 2008

Restless Nite...

I feel restless tonight...i do not know why..i felt this suddenly, i just feel restless...not only restless, my heart is pain...i felt this kind of pain again...erm...what i am doing now? sometimes human will think all the negative ways and forget that there are still other choices out there..why must i think negatively? i should think positively so that i will feel better....

Actually i admit that i very "small gas" ..u know what i mean...i do not like ppl talk loudly and shout at me...when you shout at me, i will get a shock first and i wont feel want to talk to that person in the next few hours...i really really do not like ppl TALK loudly to the eyes of them, actually they are talking to me...but i will feel that they are shouting at know who you are...i really do not like what u say, u do not like i raise my voice, so do i?

" When i turned back, you are not the same anymore". This phrase suddenly came in my i posted it on my msn....i really do hope this will not happen again..cause i really do not like ppl raise their voice to me, i cared my frens, and i cared You try to think back how i treat you, and then only u decide am i wrong or right..Everyone have their own likes and dislikes...i know please, you have to know mine too...i respect u and u should do that to me too...when u raise your voice to me, actually i am crying and struggling in the same time...just that u do not know..cause i promised, i wont cry in front of you again...this is what i feel....sorry, if this post did offend you...

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