Wednesday, November 5, 2008

E5 ...Where are you?

i just read kenny punya blog..i feel lonely again...i don know why...i am going out later with kok wei later because we want to celebrate alan and veenee birthday...kenwei, phillip, vincent, alan, gui yang ,vee nee and liching is going as well...actually, i am going back to ipoh tonite de...but i really hope to meet my old i decided to ask daniel to pick me up at the place we are celebrating ppl birthday...

Erm...i do not know why i feel down suddenlly, may be is kenwei ba..he is bringing his gf out later.. actually i am ok with it, is just that no one even tell me he is going until just now i heard alan mentioned it...i really thought i can cope and handle with my own feeling de..but when i heard what alan said, i feel down down down.... i already told myself to move foward, but sometimes, i will think back...think for a moment... now i also don know what is in my mind...i just feel ...i also don know what i feel.. yeah, i should go for the reunion..for what i scared and worry..cause we are still frens...hoho..^^

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