Saturday, February 7, 2009


MOISTFULL ..wondering what is that rite? is a fren bought me a mask....we promised to exchanged present on christmas de...and u all know what? today onli i got chance to pass it to my fren....Luckily i passed it to him today if not i think it will become valentine present d...

i bought a Nike bottle for my fren...a grey bottle...actually, i like pink colour...but i think i wont use it for i decided not to buy it but i bought it for my fren as christmas present..i hope he like it...cause i think it is useful...haha..^^

we exchanged our present in LRT station... i feel shocked when i get his present cause it is from ETUDE sells some girls stuff de...such as face products, cosmetics and body care products i wondering, he went with who and bought my present?...finally, he bought me a mask named "MOISTFULL", now i am trying whether izit really moistfull? haha^^..wait me finish using, then i will tell u the effect ya...

Anyway,Daddy Fish, thanks ya, do like the present..^^

Erm, you know what? one of my super duple close fren LOU GAI d...the fren of mine don want answer my fon...i got a lot of things to share with her...i want to show her things...but she ignored me...i feel damn sad lo...cant contact her at all..haiz....i kept calling her...hope that she will answer my fon, but i only felt miss her...

Everyone is leaving to australia d...i feel "em she dak" ba...yesterday, phillip is going to adelaide a bunch of frens is going to airport and send him off...but, u know what? i cant even see him ..he had o go in and check in d...but that time me and alan is finding for parking..during the way 2 airport, alan they all drove damn fast la...160...that time i talking on the fon, i just cut the conversation off and "HELP" alan to see cars...i just know how to scream inside the car...cause they all drive like MAD ppl.... Mei QI is leading the way....She drive MY V...but hoh, she can speed till this already proved that....PERODUA punya car can speed DOUBT..!!!!

I feel damn scared when sittiing in the car...cause too fast d...kok wei told me he can feel that all the trees and things is flying pass the window..and i just can tell him, i no time to see those scene outside alan's car....haha...damn dangerous...Mei qi wanted to cut a loooong lorry...and there is a bus coming on the opposite road...alan's car is at the back of mei qi's car, we cant cut the lorry cause there is not enough time...can u imagine, u are looking your fren driving at the back, and the bus is coming opposite..and nearly...."BANG" her...?!!!!!what the....mei qi....don drive like that d!!!!

Besides that, kok wei also the another one, nearly "BANG" a kancil....Me and Alan saw it.....!!!! word to describe....DANGEROUS....plsss next time...if not i think i will cry....if want eat seafood in KLANG....send our fren off onli we go and enjoy...cause last nite is an experience for me...BAD EXPERIENCE!!!!

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